After all the festivities had died down and the guests and well-wishers had cleared out of my hospital room, I laid there in the dark adding up the cost for this whole thing and realized the curtain had just gone up on my own act three, and the only wardrobe change required was a little metal stent hidden very carefully in my heart.
The mystery and excitement of life is in discovering who we are and why we came here, and what we are being called to express in our authentic being. When we get it right there will be incredible energy flowing as we connect with others. If we don’t do this, life sucks. If we’re lucky, we get a wakeup call somewhere around the beginning of act three that teaches us to get busy with whatever the hell we were born to do.
The truth is, no matter what sides of the looking glass I find myself on, I always want to get to the other side. The instant I connect with the oneness, the collective unconsciousness, God, the universe…once I get to that center point of focus, the other side of the rainbow, I’m ready to run off in my body and live for a while someplace nice. I want to take that small glimpse of eternal clarity and gobble it up right now. I always have my own little plan for myself just in case God’s plan doesn’t work out. It’s my backup plan if God gets too busy with other things. And when that doesn’t work out, which after a while, it doesn’t, I want back into the circle of eternal bliss where maybe I can get whole again. God waits patiently for my attention. He has forever. We have an average of 80 years to cram in the whole experience. Life is like taking your kids to Magic Mountain and as soon as they hit the gate, they’re gone, until they want something, and then they’re back. We’re too busy doing stuff to spend time with God. He’s waiting for each one of us to get to the end of ourselves, to let our curiosity run its course and run out of ambition, to ride all the rides in the park, so we can finally be together. It’s only then that we even consider making time for Him. This process usually involves struggle, suffering, and several humiliating defeats and retreats before we’re willing to throw in the towel. There is no easy exit from this place! Sooner or later we must all do the work of the soul. Some people never do.
And there is the gravity we all try to escape! Gaining enough velocity, enough centrifugal force to escape the pull of our past mistakes and misery and breaking into the brilliance of the present moment to be ourselves. But how do we shed all the weight and pull of the past, of the womb, our infancy, past the family dynamics and dysfunction? How do we outrun our karma? Where do we begin to attack the ghosts of yesterday that haunt us and stalk us every waking moment? We simply want our wounds to heal so we can go on living and yet, have no clue how to get healed up. We have no idea that we’ve spent our whole life spinning a protective cocoon where we can hide in relative safety from all the barbs and sharp words from those who claim to love us. It is always our loved ones that hurt us the most. We have given them the power and the keys to the kingdom of our hearts and they don’t even wipe their feet on the mat before they come inside!
There are laws of physics and mathematical formulas that govern the universe and all the quarks, neutrinos, planets, stars, bosons, and galaxies. So where are the laws that govern us? What are they? How can we derive a mathematical certainty about everything we do, everything we are? We remain undefined and always in the superposition, never knowing which way we will go. What is our mathematical equation? Science and mathematics moves closer and closer each day to unveiling a new truth about the universe we live in. There is a concept in science that discusses something called the Akashic Record, which is a signature of information for everything that ever was. The theory goes on to describe the possibility that all physical matter is blessed with specific knowledge or in-formation about itself and its relationship to the rest of the universe. The term they use to define the relationship is called “coherence’. How do we discover this “coherence”?
We turn to the ancient philosophers, theologians, and wise men from the East for our answers, but, we don’t accept anything they have to say. Somehow in our modern world filled with all the new conveniences we no longer ask the right questions. We don’t need the answers. We don’t care about the answers. They are no longer relevant to our everyday life as they have no power to define us. The modern mind has become so self-absorbed that we define ourselves now in every narcissistic moment and who we are changes with our clothing. That works for a while as long as the merry-go-round keeps turning and we can keep the illusion in focus. Eventually, we slink back into our own heart, look deep down where we hid the grief and pain, and have to face the music. It’s the only way out of our dilemma if we have the will and stamina and faith to take it. It is the journey of a single subjective lifetime. It's time to do the work our heart demands of us!
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